Copelandia cyanscens Florida - Hawaiian Mushroom Grow Kit
It is important to note that even if you have used other grow kits the instructions are a little different, so please read them carefully.
You can expect at least 4 harvests with this grow kit and at least 100 grams of fresh mushrooms.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or use gloves and use the grow kit in a clean room.

2. Open the box with mycelium and the container with casing soil and spread the soil evenly over the mycelium.

3. Spray the casing soil to make it moist, but not soaking wet.

4. Place the box of mycelium in the moisture bag and spray the inside of the bag to keep it moist.

5. Fold the top of the moisture bag over to keep it closed.(Reminder: Keep pets away from the culture kit. )

6. Once or twice a day, open the moisture bag and spray the grow kit to keep it moist. Also squeeze the air out of the bag and then open the bag to let new air in.

7. After about 7 days, small mushrooms will begin to form. It is important to stop spraying the mycelium box from this point and only spray the inside of the bag. so remove the mycelium box, spray the inside of the bag and place the mycelium box back in the bag.

8. Harvest the mushrooms when they look like below picture and spray the kit very heavily until it is very wet from a short distance of 5cm and new mushrooms will start to form. From this point keep the bag moist without spraying the mushrooms as explained in step 7.